Backing up Database
The instructions on this page should be followed if you want to back up a database of actiTIME v2021.0 or higher.
To back up a database from the previous version of actiTIME, please refer to the instructions provided here.
Backing up actiTIME database is required before making any changes to your actiTIME: upgrading, moving to a new server, etc.
- Open the actiTIME directory.
- If necessary, stop actiTIME using the ‘’ script to prevent users from adding new data.
- Run the ‘’ script from the actiTIME directory.
$ ./ actitime_data.sql
Running shell scripts (.sh files) in Windows requires Git for Windows to be installed.
To run a script in Windows: - Go to the actiTIME installation folder. - Right-click inside the actiTIME installation folder and click the ‘Git Bash Here’ option. Git terminal will be opened. - Type into the Git terminal the ‘./’, the script name, the file extension (without spaces) and press Enter on the keyboard. For example:$ ./
The database backup file (the ‘actitime_data.sql’ file) will be saved into the actiTIME directory.