Restoring Database

The instructions on this page should be followed if you want to restore a database for actiTIME v2021.0 or higher.
To restore a database for previous versions of actiTIME, please refer to the instructions provided here.

Restoring of the database may be necessary if you are reinstalling actiTIME, moving actiTIME to another server, switching the type of database, etc.

  1. To restore the data from a backup file, you must have actiTIME already installed on your server.
    The actiTIME installation instructions are provided here.
  2. Put the database backup file named ‘actitime_data.sql’ to the actiTIME directory.
    To make a backup file, refer to the instructions provided here.
  3. Run the ‘’ script from the actiTIME directory.

    $ ./ actitime_data.sql

    Running shell scripts (.sh files) in Windows requires Git for Windows to be installed.
    To run a script in Windows: - Go to the actiTIME installation folder. - Right-click inside the actiTIME installation folder and click the ‘Git Bash Here’ option. Git terminal will be opened. - Type into the Git terminal the ‘./’, the script name, the file extension (without spaces) and press Enter on the keyboard. For example:

    $ ./

    The data from the backup file will overwrite and replace all the data already existing in the connected database.

    The procedure of restoring data is completed.

    Now you can access your actiTIME installation with the restored database.
    To find out the actiTIME URL, refer to: At what URL can actiTIME be accessed?