Streamline your cost management with actiTIME
How to set cost of work rates in actiTIME?
actiTIME’s cost of work rates feature enables you to accurately track employee wages and project expenses. Set default overtime and leave rates for all users or define personalized rates for specific employees.

How to set billing rates?
In this video, we will show you how to set billing rates for different types of work in actiTIME. This will allow you to accurately track your billable hours and ensure that you are charging your clients the correct rate for your services.

How to analyze billable hours??
Dive into your billing data with actiTIME’s comprehensive tools and gain financial insights that drive success.

How to analyze project costs?
In this video, we’ll delve into actiTIME’s comprehensive reporting capabilities to gain insights into your project expenses. We’ll explore three key reports and visual charts that provide valuable data for effective cost management.