The new year is right around the corner, which means now is the perfect time to look back on every significant thing you’ve managed (or failed) to achieve and the choices you’ve made this year, wonder what you could’ve done differently, and resolve to do it next year.
But as great as New Year’s resolutions are, just making a list of things you’d like to change and committing to them are two very different things.
With that in mind, we’ve come up with a list of some of the most common New Year’s resolutions that many of us tend to struggle with and provided some helpful advice on how to better deal with each.

1. Get in shape
The fact that this resolution pops up in almost everyone’s lists year after year should tell you everything you need to know about how tough it is to follow through on. The key to success here is not to expect immediate results.
Find a good program or workout routine that’s easy to stick to and allows you to measure your progress. There are plenty of free applications out there like Lose It! or MyFitnessPal that allow you to keep track of your calories intake and control your weight.
It’s also advisable to improve your work-life balance. This includes taking care of physical health, spending time with family and friends, and taking time off when needed.
2. Spend less time on social media
For some people, it’s the TV; for others, it’s video games, but when it comes to useless waste of time, social media addiction easily beats them all.
It’s one thing to check the news feed now and then or keep in touch with your friends and family, but if you consistently spend over an hour a day on social media, you might have a severe problem.
Fortunately, free browser extensions like Time Management Assistant allow you to detect distracting online activity and focus on something more productive.

Forget about manual time tracking and get precise progress data with Time Management Assistant
3. Stop procrastinating
Procrastination is the biggest enemy of achievement for most people—that nagging desire to do something fun instead of whatever else you’re supposed to be doing.
Just take a moment and think how many of your last year’s resolutions you failed to achieve because of it. We bet a lot. It’s really easy to get used to, and once it’s got its claws into you, getting yourself out of the habit might prove highly challenging. Which doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it.
Arm yourself our comprehensive guide and kick procrastination’s butt in this coming year.
4. Manage your time better
Ask any working individual if they’d like to be more productive, and a resounding “yes” is what you’ll get in reply 99,99% of the time.
You can increase your productivity in many ways, but improving time management is the most important. Pledge to manage time more efficiently. This includes creating realistic timelines, setting priorities, and avoiding procrastination.
Look at our list of the best time management techniques to help you ensure that none of your time goes wasted from now on or start an actiTIME free trial.
This tool is designed to help organize all kinds of everyday routines and ensure that all tasks are completed within the stipulated time.
You can track the time spent on each activity to understand whether it takes longer than expected or use the tool to optimize your workflow and team collaboration.

5. Quit smoking and drinking
Two of the most widespread and dangerous habits that most people have a lot of trouble kicking, smoking and drinking, are not only extremely bad for your health overall (cancer and heart disease, to name a few), but more often than not, they are also a significant strain on your budget.
However, other things put your well-being and productivity at risk. These are stress and burnout. So, learn to prioritize your work based on the importance and deadlines. Be honest about your capacity and don’t overcommit yourself.
In these posts, you will find more tips on how to reduce stress and avoid burnout at work.
6. Save money
Unless your financial situation is truly dire and living paycheck to paycheck is your only option, there’s no excuse not to put a little money aside every month for a rainy day fund.
Life can be unpredictable, and you never know when you might need some extra cash – car repairs, a sudden visit to the dentist, or even a trip abroad. Start small – you’ll be surprised how much money you can save by making just a few simple lifestyle changes.
Walk or take a bike to work, cook your meals, or exercise at home instead of paying for an expensive gym membership. Alternatively, make use of various money-saving apps like Digit or Qapital to make the process a breeze.
And don’t forget about your team! Commit to finding new ways to increase efficiency within the project. This could involve eliminating unnecessary tasks or improving processes. Stay updated with the latest project management tools and technologies and implement them to streamline processes and enhance productivity.

7. Learn a new skill or a hobby
Okay, with how busy everyone’s lives are, we must admit that sometimes it’s nice to sit around doing nothing for a minute or two. However, if doing nothing is all you do all day, that just can’t be healthy. So why not use that time in a more productive and fun way by doing something you’ve always wanted to do?
Learn a new language, get into programming, start playing an instrument – anything that could contribute to your personal development and make your life more fulfilling and exciting.
Embrace continuous learning and development in your professional field, too. This can include attending seminars and workshops or obtaining further certification.
Conquering New Year’s Resolutions: The What and How
As we’ve already said, most people fail to follow through on their resolutions because – surprise! – they require effort, self-discipline, and good time management.
Fortunately, self-discipline and time management are our bread and butter, so we’ve prepared some helpful pointers so that the changes you promised yourself you’d make years ago could finally become reality.
The first hurdle is setting unrealistic goals. We often set ourselves up for failure by aiming for drastic, immediate changes.
Be smart! When coming up with your list of changes and goals to tackle the next year, the most important thing to keep in mind is that they need to be specific and achievable. Sure, it would be amazing to quit smoking and lose all extra weight, but that’s hardly realistic, isn’t it?
So, instead of aiming for drastic changes, focus on small, incremental changes that can be sustained over time. For instance, instead of losing 30 pounds in a month, aim to lose 1-2 pounds weekly.
Secondly, lack of planning is a significant factor. Our resolutions remain vague intentions rather than actionable tasks when we don’t have a clear plan. This makes it easy to procrastinate or completely forget about our goals.
Make a detailed plan. Break down your resolution into smaller, manageable activities and set a timeline for each. This will give you a clear roadmap and make your goal seem less daunting.
Thirdly, motivation tends to wane over time. The initial enthusiasm for change often fades away after a few weeks, especially when we don’t see immediate results. To keep your motivation alive, start celebrating small victories. Reward yourself whenever you achieve a mini-goal. This will boost your morale and motivate you to keep going.
Lastly, remember that it’s okay to falter. Don’t be too hard on yourself if you slip up. Instead, use it as a learning experience and get back on track. After all, the journey to self-improvement is not a straight line but a series of ups and downs.