11 Top Productivity Trackers to Boost Your Team Performance

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May 2024
11 Top Productivity Trackers to Boost Your Team Performance

Striving to stay on top of every employee task and manage your projects as effectively as possible? Then, you’ve come to the right place!

Here, we’ve rounded up 11 top-notch productivity trackers that will pave the way for smoother project collaboration, faster achievements, and stress-free workflows. Choose the perfect tool to rev up your work outcomes and help employees hit their stride like never before.

Let’s get started!

Productivity Trackers for Effective Time Management

actiTIME Beebole Productive Tick Timely
Fully automated time tracking
Overtime control
Cost management
Time off tracking

1.    actiTIME

Key features:

  • Manual timesheets
  • Calendar view
  • Mobile app
  • Automatic activity tracking
  • Performance reports
  • Kanban board
  • Client billing
  • Time off tracking
  • Integrations

So, you’ve got a team, and you need to keep everyone on track without turning into Big Brother? Welcome actiTIME, a smart productivity tracker that’s got your back!

With its help, you can plan out projects, optimize teamwork, track work progress, and get invaluable data for better decision-making – all without sacrificing the trust and autonomy your employees deserve.

Timesheet / Calendar View, actiTIME

Here’s what actiTIME has to offer for superior productivity management:

  • Manual timesheets. Perfect for those who prefer to record their hours at the end of the day or week, this feature allows for precise time logging without the hassle.
  • Mobile app with one-click timers. Ideal for on-the-go professionals, the mobile app’s one-click timers make it easy to start and stop tracking your time instantly, ensuring every minute is accounted for with minimal effort.
  • Fully automated browser extension. This powerful tool tracks every online move of employees without letting managers become spies. It automates the time tracking process, making it seamless and unobtrusive.
  • Basic project planning. Get your projects off on the right foot with a straightforward work scope plan. Visualize them from start to finish and keep everything on track.
  • Task management. List your to-dos, prioritize tasks, and set deadlines to keep everyone on your team focused and productive.
  • Task allocation. Distribute tasks efficiently among team members to ensure everyone knows what they need to do and when they need to do it.
  • Kanban board. Visualize your work progress with the intuitive Kanban board, which makes it easy to see at a glance where your project stands.
  • Detailed reports and visual charts. Dig into the nitty-gritty details with comprehensive reports and charts that give a clear picture of team productivity and ongoing project progress.
  • Time off tracking. Enable employees to record leave time effortlessly right in their timesheets to ensure that every staff absence is accounted for and planned out properly.
  • actiPLANS integration. For more advanced absence and resource management, integrate your account with actiPLANS to handle everything from vacation requests to resource allocation without breaking a sweat.

Best for:

Teams of any size and from any industry.


  • Free 30-day trial.
  • Free version for 1-3 users.
  • $6 per user/month for teams with 1-40 members.
  • $5 per user/month for teams with 41-200 members.
  • Fixed custom price for teams with 200+ members.

Improve your team’s productivity and achieve more with actiTIME

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2.    Beebole

Key features:

  • One-click timers
  • Mobile app
  • Overtime and time off tracking
  • Budgeting

Beebole is your new best friend in time tracking and business intelligence. With its assistance, you can effortlessly track hours, handle project budgets, and generate insightful reports – all in one streamlined platform. No fluff, just productivity at its finest.

Beebole, best productivity trackers

These are some of Beebole’s numerous productivity tracking features:

  • Task and project tracking. You can effortlessly monitor work progress, set deadlines, and assign responsibilities to your team members.
  • Google Workspace integration. Sync your productivity tracker with the Google tools you already love and use daily. Export data directly to your online calendar and track time right from your spreadsheets to make your workflow smooth as butter.
  • Time off tracking. With Beebole, tracking leave is straightforward and clear, so you always know who’s in and who’s out.

Best for:

Project managers in need of accurate time and project tracking.


  • Free 30-day trial.
  • All features cost €6.99 per user/month.

3.    Productive

Key features:

  • Weekly timesheets
  • Desktop timer
  • Gantt charts
  • Workload tracking

Productive is a real catch for anyone serious about getting things done. Whether you’re juggling multiple projects, coordinating a large team, or just trying to keep everything efficient, this productivity tracker is going to be beneficial.

Produtive, productivity trackers

Here’s how Productive helps to get better at work:

  • Gantt charts. These babies help you organize your projects visually, so you’ll always know what’s coming up next and how everything fits together.
  • Real-time workload monitoring. This feature helps you keep an eye on who’s doing what and how they’re coping. This means you can balance the load before anyone gets overwhelmed, making the whole team more efficient and preventing burnout.
  • Time tracking. You can choose between weekly timesheets or an automated desktop timer. It’s flexible, intuitive, and ensures you’re logging every hour accurately.

Best for:

Consulting and marketing agencies looking to streamline and centralize project management.


  • Free trial.
  • $9 per month for Productive Essential.
  • $24 per month for Productive Professional.
  • Custom quotes for Productive Ultimate and Enterprise.

4.    Tick

Key features:

  • Time cards
  • One-click timers
  • Productivity reports
  • Mobile app

If you ever felt like your workday slipped through your fingers like sand, leaving you wondering where all the time went, Tick is the solution you need. It helps to keep tabs on your project time, tame your to-do list, and get invaluable insights for working smarter, not harder.

Tick, productivity trackers

Here’s how Tick simplifies productivity tracking:

  • Simple time card interface. Just punch in your hours, and Tick will take care of the rest, providing you with an in-depth overview of your daily performance.
  • Estimate and budget tracking. Set task budgets and monitor them in real time to keep your projects from going off the rails.
  • Time tracking via the mobile app and Apple Watch. You can log your hours from anywhere – whether you’re on the go or chilling at a coffee shop. Just a few taps, and you’re good to go.

Best for:

Freelancers who need a simple and accessible solution to track billable hours.


  • Free 30-day trial.
  • Free version for 1 project.
  • 10 projects for $19 per month.
  • 30 projects for $49 per month.
  • 60 projects for $79 per month.
  • Unlimited projects for $149 per month.

5.    Timely

Key features:

  • Fully automated time tracking
  • Project dashboards
  • Capacity management
  • Billing rates

Timely works seamlessly in the background to automatically record your activities across various apps and devices. Thus, it gives you an accurate breakdown of how you spend your time without manual data entry or guesstimates.


Here’s what makes Timely stand out among other productivity tracking tools:

  • Memory Tracker. This feature acts like your personal assistant that remembers all the nitty-gritty details of your workday. You don’t have to rack your brain to recall what you did three days ago – Memory Tracker monitors your activities automatically, letting you decide which of them to add to your weekly timesheets.
  • Team capacity management. Timely provides a clear picture of each team member’s workload, enabling you to allocate tasks more effectively and ensure everyone is working at their optimum capacity without burning out.
  • Centralized project dashboards. No more bouncing between apps or losing track of project progress – this feature helps you keep everything neatly organized in one place and align everyone on your team with the set project goals.

Best for:

Creative teams (in design, marketing, or content creation) that need to track hours for precise client billing.


  • Free trial.
  • $9 per user/month for the Starter plan.
  • $16 per user/month for the Premium plan.
  • $22 per user/month for the Unlimited plan.

Productivity Trackers for Employee Monitoring

1.    Handdy

Key features:

  • Activity records
  • Screenshots
  • Keystroke logging
  • Attendance reports

Are you tired of wondering what your employees are up to when you’re not around? With its comprehensive set of employee monitoring features, Handdy can help you achieve that sought-after workplace transparency.

Handdy, productivity trackers

Here’s how Handdy can ramp up your productivity game:

  • Comprehensive employee activity logs. Think of them as your thorough, behind-the-scenes view of every task your employees work on and every minute they spend online.
  • Screenshot capturing. This feature gives you visual proof of work progress and helps to tackle any productivity bottlenecks head-on. In other words, a quick snapshot is worth a thousand words.
  • Detailed attendance reports. Forget the tedious manual check-ins and scattered spreadsheets. With Handdy, you get precise, easy-to-read attendance reports that let you see how punctual and time-efficient your team members are.

Best for:

Remote teams with underperforming employees and proven attendance issues.


  • Free 30-day trial.
  • $0.99 per user/month for Handdy Pro.
  • $1.99 per user/month for Handdy Premium.
  • Custom quote for Handdy Enterprise.

2.    TeamOB

Key features:

  • Location tracking
  • Screenshots
  • App and website tracking
  • Automated reports

This comprehensive software solution boasts features for effortless workforce management, task tracking, and real-time employee monitoring. In other words, it has everything you need to bring your team dynamics from mediocre to extraordinary.

Here’s what makes TeamOB a powerhouse for productivity tracking:

  • Real-time activity monitoring. With this feature, you can easily see what everyone is up to, spot performance trends, identify bottlenecks, and ensure your team members are actually working when they are supposed to.
  • Manual time entries. TeamOB also lets you log hours and last-minute tasks at your own pace, giving you more control over the time tracking process.
  • Automated reports. The software sends a crisp summary of your team’s performance right to your inbox. No more scrambling through spreadsheets or nagging for updates – it’s all there, ready to keep you informed and ahead of the game.

Best for:

Remote or hybrid teams and companies with field workers.


  • Free 14-day trial.
  • No pricing information available.

3.    Time Champ

Key features:

  • App whitelists
  • Audio tracking
  • Productivity heat maps
  • Activity logs

From mapping out your tasks to crunching the numbers on your efficiency, Time Champ makes sure you’re always in the zone. Whether you’re a solo entrepreneur hustling to build your empire or part of a dynamic team striving for peak performance, it is sure to step up your time management game.

Time Champ

Here are some of the features that make Time Champ a truly unique productivity tracker:

  • Productivity heat maps. These visual tools provide an at-a-glance overview of your most productive periods throughout the day. You will see precisely when you are in the flow state and get a better chance to leverage those golden hours to knock out your most challenging tasks.
  • Productivity alerts. You can whitelist the apps that are crucial for your work to focus on what really matters and set up nonproductive app alerts to remind your team members to steer clear of time-wasters and keep their workflows as seamless as possible.
  • Audio tracking. You have the option to keep tabs on employees’ audio activities (like virtual meetings, work-related podcasts, and whatnot) to obtain a comprehensive view of how they spend their time and detect potential security risks early on. (Note: handle this feature with care to not breach your colleagues’ privacy).

Best for:

Remote teams in industries with high demand for data security and punctuality.


  • Free sign-up.
  • ₹200 per user/month for the Starter plan.
  • ₹300 per user/month for the Professional plan.
  • ₹550 per user/month for the Enterprise plan.


Key features:

  • Real-time activity tracking
  • Goal setting
  • Screenshots
  • Location tracking

Effortless team productivity tracking, accurate attendance management, and in-depth performance analysis – that’s what brings to the table. With its help, you’ll soon become one of those rare businesses that always have everything under control.

These standout features truly make a difference:

  • Productive vs. unproductive apps. You can categorize the tools your team uses daily to be able to see, at a glance, which apps are enhancing productivity and which ones are just time-sucking distractions – this is a one-way ticket to optimizing your work habits.
  • Hourly employee engagement analysis. Visual charts give you a dynamic, real-time look at how engaged your team is throughout the day. They are perfect for spotting trends and making adjustments to keep everyone motivated and on track.
  • Location tracking via GPS. This feature is perfect for teams that are always on the go. Whether your employees are working remotely, in the field, or traveling, you’ll have accurate data on their whereabouts. It’s all about making sure everyone is where they need to be and staying on top of deadlines without continuous back-and-forth communication.

Best for:

Companies with remote teams and mobile workforce.


  • Free trial.
  • Free version with limited functionality.
  • $7 per user/month for the Starter plan.
  • $9 per user/month for the Pro plan.

5.    Workfolio

Key features:

  • Web and app tracking
  • Activity timelapse
  • Idle time detection
  • Productivity timelines

Workfolio helps keep tabs on your employees’ tasks, deadlines, and even breaks. As an automated productivity tracker, it provides a wealth of data to understand your work patterns, optimize your workflows, and make each precious hour count.

Workfolio, productivity trackers

Here’s how Workfolio enables you to keep a finger on the pulse of your team’s performance:

  • Daily productivity timelines. This feature gives a crystal-clear snapshot of your employees’ performance throughout the day. It lets you effortlessly track how work hours are utilized, makes those time drains glaringly obvious, and helps to ensure that productivity peaks are maximized.
  • Idle time detection. This feature monitors inactivity periods, so you can pinpoint exactly when and where productivity drops. It’s a subtle yet powerful way to ensure everyone’s time is genuinely spent on tasks that matter.
  • Timelapse videos of employees’ screens. This one’s pretty cool – it creates a fast-forward video of everything that’s occurred on an employee’s screen over a given period. It’s like getting a behind-the-scenes look at the work process, with a comprehensive view of how tasks are handled.

Best for:

Remote teams looking to streamline their workflow and maintain high levels of efficiency.


  • Free 14-day trial.
  • $0 for Workfolio Basic.
  • $4.99 per user/month for Workfolio Pro.

6.    Worktivity

Key features:

  • Time tracking
  • Task management
  • Timelapse videos
  • Productivity reports

Thanks to Worktivity, you will have real-time insights into how your team is performing from hour to hour and see exactly where improvements can be made. Though its extensive employee monitoring functionality can be perceived as Big Brother watching, Worktivity is more about empowering your team to reach peak performance with the help of accurate data and informed decisions.


Here’s what Worktivity has to offer:

  • User-friendly timesheets. The intuitive design allows for quick data entry and easy editing so that your time tracking is both accurate and efficient. This feature helps you stay organized and ensures that no billable hours slip through the cracks.
  • Screenshots and timelapse videos. This feature captures periodic screenshots of your employees’ workspaces and makes timelapse videos of their daily activities. It’s a fantastic way to visualize productivity trends and identify potential distractions that hinder team performance.
  • Payroll and billing. This feature automates your payroll process, calculating wages based on the tracked hours and even generating invoices for your clients. It’s designed to save you time and eliminate the risk of human error, making sure you get paid accurately and promptly.

Best for:

Remote teams working across the time zones.


Free 7-day trial.

  • $2.99 per user/month for the Starter plan.
  • $4.99 per user/month for the Growth plan.
  • $7.99 per user/month for the Pro plan.


A good productivity tracker can drastically improve the way your team operates, and each of the 11 tools we’ve discussed in this post offers something unique to boost your efficiency and performance.

Integrate them into your workflows to streamline performance and foster a culture of accountability and continuous improvement among employees.

Still not sure what tool to choose? Kickstart your productivity journey with actiTIME!

Its powerful yet non-invasive features are bound to help you manage tasks effortlessly, track time accurately, and ultimately achieve your goals.

Give actiTIME a try today to get that desired productivity boost.

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