Have you ever found yourself wishing to have more time in a day? Do you agree that fitting all the planned tasks and events within a 24-hour limit is often extremely hard, if not impossible?
Then, like most of us, you probably think that by mastering time management, you’ll become able to avoid the intense race against deadlines, complete work without any rush, and obtain more spare hours to do everything you always wanted to do.
This way of thinking is definitely correct. However, before trying on any of the time management techniques promoted by all-wise productivity gurus – regardless of how promising and effective these techniques might be – it would help to get to know the basics. This article answers the most common questions, including what is time management, what are the benefits, and how to improve it effectively.
- What Is Time Management?
- Top Signs of Poor Time Management
- Why Time Management Is Good for You
- Time Management Skills vs. Techniques
- Time Management Methods to Keep It All on Track
- Time Management Methods to Get More Organized
- Time Management Methods to Supercharge Focus
- Time Management Methods to Improve Teamwork
- 10 Proven Time Management Strategies for Better Life and Work
- Helpful Time Management Resources
What’s the Point of Time Management?
Time management is all about control and balance. It is the process of planning your tasks and objectives within a certain timeframe and regulating your performance in a way that fosters an optimal use of time and resources.
To clarify this definition, let’s see which steps you need to undertake in order to manage time well:
- Identify what you want to do;
- Estimate how much it will take to complete each task;
- Evaluate how much time you have at your disposal;
- Schedule the task(s) considering your estimates and deadlines;
- Track your performance and use of time;
- Evaluate how efficient you are in adhering to the plan and meeting the objectives;
- Based on the final evaluation results, make corrections to your time management process if needed.
- Repeat the above steps one by one.
By going through this cycle from the start to the end, you will distribute time across different activities more efficiently since you’re going to have a clear picture of your entire work scope and see how much time you can and must devote to every single task. Besides, you will improve your time management skills.
Estimation and planning mistakes are likely to happen at first if you have no prior experience. But stay patient, analyze time tracking data consistently, try to detect your mistakes, and you’re bound to get better at managing time and attain the sought-after results shortly.
Already inspired to become a master of time management? Begin the path of improvement by trying out some of the recommendations given in this post and be sure to check our time management guide to deepen your knowledge.
Top Signs of Poor Time Management
- You’re constantly running late: Whether it’s for work, meetings, or social events, if you’re always the last one to show up, it’s a clear sign that you don’t manage your time well.
- You’re always playing catch-up: Are you frequently scrambling to meet deadlines or finishing tasks at the last minute? This can lead to poor-quality work, missed opportunities, and a whole lot of unnecessary stress.
- Procrastination is your middle name: If you find yourself putting off important tasks until the last possible minute (or even after they’re due), it means you lose too much time in vain or spend it on insignificant matters.
- You’re easily distracted: If you find yourself getting sidetracked by social media notifications, email pings, or other distractions when you’re trying to get important tasks done, it’s a sign of poor self-discipline and focus.
- You’re working long hours with little to show for it: If you’re constantly burning the midnight oil but still not making progress on your goals, you might need to re-evaluate your approach to the way you work and use your time.
- You often bite off more than you can chew: If you’re unable to complete your to-do list on a regular basis, you need to learn how to set realistic goals and prioritize tasks based on their level of importance and urgency.
- You’re constantly feeling overwhelmed and stressed out: This can take a toll on your mental and physical health in the long run, so it’s important to identify what makes you stressed and address the root cause (e.g., poor time management).
Here’s Why Time Management Is Good for You
Time management produces plenty of amazing benefits both for individuals and teams. Some of the main ones include:
- Higher productivity thanks to more efficient work organization, a stronger focus on the most important tasks, and optimal use of your energy levels;
- Lower stress since you’ll get a chance to better your work-life balance and learn how to avoid any rush with smartly created schedules and plans;
- Enhanced quality of work because it’s easier to prevent mistakes and pay attention to details when you don’t have to be always in a hurry;
- Enhanced forecasting due to regular engagement in task estimation, which will add another crucial item to your professional skill set and maximize chances for success in all your undertakings;
- Stronger sense of self-efficacy since when you never miss a deadline and achieve goals infallibly, you start to feel more confident and accomplished.
Considering all these benefits, it’s valid to conclude without any exaggeration that time management is one of the keys to superior work outcomes, professional growth, more fulfilled and happy life. This practice helps to navigate the chaos of present-day life with ease, though you still have to invest some dedication to understand how time management works and how to implement it properly. But regardless of that, the ultimate value of time management most definitely outweighs all the risks and troubles of learning.
Time Management Skills and Techniques: What’s the Difference?
On the Internet, there are myriads of articles listing various techniques and hacks one can utilize to manage time better. Prioritizing, time blocking, distraction blocking and the Pomodoro method are among the most popular ones these days. However, according to Erich C. Dierdorff, using these tools prior to developing time management skills is rather pointless:
“For example, would anyone seriously expect that purchasing a good set of knives, high-end kitchen equipment, and fresh ingredients would instantly make someone a five-star chef? Certainly not. Similarly, using a scheduling app without the prerequisite time management skills is unlikely to produce positive time management outcomes.”
So, which skills is Dierdorff talking about? They are:
- Awareness – The ability to judge how much time you have and the understanding that this vital resource is limited.
- Arrangement – The ability to organize tasks and schedules in a way that allows for effective use of time.
- Adaptation – The ability to monitor your own behaviors, analyze how well you use time, and make prompt adjustments to multiple external factors and changing plans.
Obviously, it takes some effort to develop these skills. To start out with something, Dierdorff suggests:
- Creating a time budget and treating time like money,
- Analyzing how efficient you are in time estimation,
- Finding your peak productivity hours,
- Applying calendaring tools to plan everything and make schedule updates quickly,
- Breaking down overly challenging goals into smaller ones,
- Striving to reduce time wasters,
- Adopting a simple time tracker to stay aware of your progress.
Time Management Methods to Keep It All on Track
1. Time tracking
Time tracking is the process of recording the time you spend on various tasks and projects throughout the day. It helps to understand where your attention and energy are going and where you can improve your efficiency.
For instance, you can identify tasks that are taking up too much of your time and make adjustments to your workflow in order to stay focused on your goals and priorities, rather than getting bogged down in small, insignificant tasks.
Besides, when you’re tracking your time, you’re essentially holding yourself accountable for how you’re spending it. And the best part, with a time tracker like Time Management Assistant, you don’t need to lift a finger to get a detailed breakdown of all your online activities and the time spent on them – the data is collected automatically considering your preferences and custom rules. Then, all that is left is to see and analyze how you use your time and make necessary improvements.

Forget about manual time tracking and get precise progress data with Time Management Assistant
Best for:
Anybody who wants to better time management, boost work efficiency, and be their most productive self.
Find out more about fully automated Time Management Assistant here 👈
2. Kanban
Kanban is a Japanese word that means “visual signal” or “signboard.” It’s a method used to manage and optimize workload by visualizing tasks and workflows on a physical or digital board. This can be done with sticky notes, whiteboards, or Kanban software.
By visualizing the tasks and their statuses, you can see everything at a glance and identify potential bottlenecks or areas for improvement. You can also limit the amount of work in progress (WIP) to avoid overloading yourself or your team.
Manage team workloads and track project progress using the Kanban board in actiTIME
Best for:
Individuals and teams looking for a clear, streamlined way to manage their workloads and control WIP.
Find out more about Kanban methodology here 👈
3. The Seinfeld Method
The Seinfeld Method is a productivity technique that has its roots in a hilarious episode of the iconic sitcom, Seinfeld. In the episode, Jerry tells his friend George that he is going to write a joke every day, no matter what. To keep track of his progress, he puts a big red X on a calendar on the days when he completes his task. The goal is to never break the chain of Xs.
The Seinfeld Method works because it creates a sense of momentum and progress in achieving your goals. When you see those Xs start to pile up, you are sure to feel motivated to keep on going.
Best for:
Anyone who wants to develop new skills or break bad habits.
Time Management Methods to Get More Organized
1. SMART goals
SMART is a goal-setting framework. The acronym stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.
SMART goals allow you to have clarity on what you want to achieve and how you plan to achieve it, focus your efforts, and avoid wasting time on non-essential tasks. By measuring progress against the set goals, you can also track your achievements and keep yourself motivated.
Moreover, making sure that their goals are achievable means that you set yourself up for success rather than leaving yourself feeling overwhelmed or unfulfilled.
Best for:
Entrepreneurs, business owners, and professionals who want to grow their careers or businesses; individuals looking to make personal changes in any area of life.
Find out more about SMART goals here 👈
2. Getting Things Done (GTD)
The GTD is a productivity system that helps you manage your time more efficiently. It relies on five stages:
- Collect: Write down everything that pops into your mind, ranging from small to large tasks. This can be accomplished by using a notebook, a digital app, post-its, or anything that suits your personal preferences.
- Process: Analyze your task list and decide what the next step is for each task on your list (i.e., it could be scheduling a specific time to complete the task or delegating it to someone else).
- Organize: Prioritize the tasks that you have processed and decide when and where to do them. Put the tasks in categories or buckets for timeframes, such as “today,” “tomorrow,” “this week,” “next week,” and “later.”
- Review: Evaluate your completed tasks, keeping track of what went well and what needs improvement. The review process ensures that your tasks are always in sync with your goals and that you’re making progress and growing towards them.
- Do: The final stage is all about getting your tasks done, one by one, based on the priority and timeframe you set during the third stage.
Best for:
People who feel like they’re always forgetting important things or have a hard time prioritizing their work.
3. Inbox-Zero
Inbox-Zero is a pretty simple concept: strive to keep your email inbox empty (or close to it) by processing each email as it comes in rather than letting it pile up.
When you have a cluttered inbox, it’s easy to forget about important tasks or messages, and you waste more time searching for them. Conversely, when you have an empty inbox, you know that you haven’t missed any crucial messages and can focus on other important tasks. Thus, practicing Inbox-Zero leads to a sense of satisfaction and clarity of mind, which can boost your productivity levels.
Best for:
People who receive a high volume of emails on a regular basis.
Find out more about effective email management here 👈
4. The ABCDE method
The ABCDE method helps to prioritize tasks and consists of five steps that require you to take a closer look at your to-do list and assign a priority level to each task. Here’s what each step entails:
- A: This stands for “urgent and important.” These are tasks that require immediate attention and have a high impact on your goals.
- B: This stands for “important but not urgent.” These are tasks that are significant to your long-term goals but don’t require immediate attention.
- C: This stands for “not important but urgent.” These are tasks that require your attention but don’t hold a significant impact on your long-term goals.
- D: This stands for “not important and not urgent.” These are tasks that you can delegate or eliminate altogether.
- E: This stands for “extra time.” These are tasks that don’t fit into any of the above categories but can be done if you have extra time on your hands.
Best for:
Busy professionals and students with a lot on their plates.
Explore even more task prioritization methods here 👈
5. The POSEC method
POSEC is a task management technique that assists in achieving optimum productivity and ultimately leading a more fulfilling life. The acronym stands for:
- Prioritize: Identify what is most important and what can wait. Sorting out your priorities helps to minimize distractions and enables you to focus on the critical tasks.
- Organize: Create an action plan and allocate your time accordingly. By using tools like calendars and reminders, you can keep track of your progress and avoid procrastination.
- Streamline: Declutter your environment and simplify tasks. Keeping a tidy workspace and breaking down big projects into smaller achievable goals can make all the difference.
- Economize: Find ways to optimize your time. This means identifying time-wasting habits and avoiding them. For example, taking breaks when needed, prioritizing self-care, delegating tasks, and minimizing distractions.
- Contribute: Evaluate your life’s purpose and set goals that align with your values. This allows you to focus on tasks that not only benefit you but also contribute to society.
Best for:
Those who aim to improve productivity without compromising their work-life balance.
6. Rapid Planning Method (RPM)
RPM is all about breaking down your goals and tasks into smaller, manageable pieces. The first step is to identify your outcomes – what do you want to achieve? Then, you break those outcomes down into smaller, actionable steps.
One of the cool things about RPM is that it helps you stay focused on the highest-leverage tasks. These are the tasks that will have the biggest impact on your outcomes. By prioritizing these tasks, you can be more productive and get more done in less time.
Best for:
People who juggle multiple projects and have big-picture goals.
7. To-do list
A to-do list is a written or digital list of tasks or activities that need to be completed within a specific timeframe. This can include anything from work tasks, like responding to emails or attending meetings, to personal tasks, like grocery shopping or going to the gym.
Creating a to-do list allows you to prioritize tasks based on importance and urgency. You can also break down larger tasks into smaller, more manageable ones so that you don’t get overwhelmed. By having a clear idea of what needs to be done, you can also avoid wasting time trying to figure out what to do next.

Best for:
Individuals who are constantly juggling multiple projects and assignments at once (to-do lists keep them organized and focused on what needs to be done).
Get a free to-do list template here 👈
Time Management Methods to Supercharge Focus
1. To-don’t list
A to-don’t list is essentially the opposite of a to-do list. It outlines the tasks that are wasting your time or adding unnecessary stress to your day.
For example, checking social media every ten minutes or constantly responding to emails as soon as they come in are common time-wasters that can be added to a to-don’t list. By identifying and avoiding these distractions, you can free up more time and mental energy to focus on important tasks.
A to-don’t list can also help reduce decision fatigue by simplifying your choices throughout the day. Instead of constantly debating whether to indulge in a particular distraction, you’ll have a pre-determined guideline for your behavior.
Best for:
People who struggle with procrastination and distractions.
Find out how to conquer your bad digital habits here 👈
2. Timeboxing
Timeboxing is a time management method that involves allocating a fixed amount of time for a specific task or activity. The main idea is to set a timer for a particular activity and work on it until the time is up. Once the time has elapsed, you stop working on the task and/or move on to the next one.
Best for:
People who have a lot of different priorities competing for your attention; those with busy schedules with many different commitments (work, family, social events).
3. Time blocking
Time blocking is a technique where you schedule your day in blocks of time. Each block is dedicated to a specific task, and you work on that task for the entire duration of the block, which boosts your focus and allows you to complete work faster and more efficiently.
Best for:
People who are prone to multitask.
Find out more about time blocking here 👈
4. Deep work
The deep work method is a productivity strategy that involves focusing on a single task for an extended period of time without any distractions.
When you can concentrate on a single task without getting interrupted, you’re able to get more done in less time. This is especially important for tasks that require a lot of mental effort, as it takes time for your brain to get back into the flow of the task after an interruption.
Best for:
Those who need to perform complex tasks or tackle challenging problems (within tight timeframes).
Find out more about the benefits of single-tasking here 👈
5. Zen to Done
Developed by Leo Babauta, the founder of the popular blog Zen Habits, Zen to Done is a method that aims to help people reduce stress, increase productivity, and simplify their lives.
It consists of 10 habits that guide you in goal-setting, task planning, and other work-related behaviors. These habits include things like capturing everything you need to do, processing that list into actionable tasks, prioritizing those tasks based on importance and urgency, and focusing on one task at a time.
One of the major benefits of Zen to Done is that it helps you develop a habit of mindfulness. By focusing on one thing at a time and being present in the moment, you become better at managing your time and avoiding distractions. This, in turn, helps you work more efficiently and get more done in less time.
Best for:
Those seeking to avoid feeling overwhelmed by their to-do lists and want to feel more in control of their day; people who are looking for a more flexible approach to productivity.
6. Pomodoro
Studies have shown that taking frequent breaks can help improve focus and prevent burnout. And by breaking your work into manageable chunks, you’ll be less likely to procrastinate or get overwhelmed. And that’s exactly what makes the Pomodoro technique so great.
Here’s how it works:
You set a timer for 25 minutes and work on a specific task during that time. Once the timer goes off, you take a 5-minute break. Rinse and repeat. After completing four 25-minute work sessions, you can take a longer break – usually around 15-20 minutes.
Best for:
People who easily get distracted, as well as those who tend to procrastinate or have difficulty staying on-task.
Find out more about the Pomodoro technique here 👈
7. Eat the Frog
The idea behind this technique is that if you start your day by tackling the hardest, most time-consuming, and unpleasant task on your to-do list, everything else will seem easier in comparison. This way, you’ll already have that feeling of accomplishment under your belt and can quickly move on to the other, smaller tasks with renewed confidence.
Best for:
Anyone who struggles with procrastination or has trouble prioritizing tasks.
8. Biological prime time
The biological prime time technique is all about aligning your daily schedule with your body’s natural internal clock. This clock, which is also known as the circadian rhythm, regulates various bodily functions such as sleep, appetite, and temperature.
By understanding and working with this clock, you can identify the times of day when you are most focused, alert, and productive. This is your biological prime time – the time of day when your brain and body are firing on all cylinders.
Best for:
Anyone looking to show their top performance consistently.
Explore time management tips of larks and owls here 👈
9. 1-3-5 Rule
The 1-3-5 rule is a productivity hack that says you should identify one big task, three medium tasks, and five small tasks to complete each day. The idea behind this rule is that it helps you prioritize and focus on what’s important, while also giving you a sense of accomplishment at the end of the day.
Best for:
People who struggle with prioritization and tend to get distracted easily.
Time Management Methods to Improve Teamwork
1. Scrum
Scrum is a popular agile project management approach that helps to tackle complex projects and tasks with greater ease.
It is structured around time-boxed sprints, meaning that teams have a set amount of work hours to complete a specific set of tasks. This allows for eliminating unnecessary delays and distractions, as team members are motivated to get things done by the due date.
Furthermore, Scrum adheres to the concept of continuous improvement, whereby teams measure progress based on time estimates, reflect on their performance, and make necessary changes to optimize their workflow. This lets them get rid of any waste and inefficiencies that may otherwise slow down the project, improving its timeliness.

Best for:
Project teams working in complex or rapidly changing environments; those looking to improve team collaboration and increase flexibility.
Find out more about Scrum here 👈
2. RACI matrix
The RACI matrix helps to define roles and responsibilities for different team members involved in a project. RACI stands for Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, and Informed – these are the four roles that are typically assigned to team members.
The matrix is laid out in a table format, with tasks or deliverables listed along the left-hand column, and team members listed across the top row. Each team member is then assigned a role for each task, indicating their level of involvement and responsibility.
By defining everyone’s roles and responsibilities, team members can avoid confusion around who is responsible for what. This can lead to more efficient communication and less time wasted in meetings or emails.
Best for:
Teams or organizations where roles and responsibilities are not clearly defined.
3. Objectives and key results (OKRs)
OKR is a pretty straightforward goal-setting system that involves merely 3 basic steps:
- First, you define your overall objectives, i.e., specific and measurable goals that align with the company’s vision and mission.
- Next, you break down your objective into a set of key results, i.e., quantifiable metrics that measure progress toward achieving those objectives. For example, if the objective is to increase revenue by 20%, the key results could be to acquire 50 new customers, increase website traffic by 30%, and launch a new product.
- Finally, you track your progress toward the key results on a regular basis (usually weekly or monthly), and adjust your plan as needed based on your results. This helps you stay on track and make sure you’re hitting your milestones on time.
Best for:
Companies looking for a simple way to meet their strategic goals; teams that want to see what their members are working on and how their work contributes to the overall goals.
Find out how to improve goal-setting in your team here 👈
10 Proven Time Management Strategies for Better Life and Work
1. Never rush into the day
Believe it or not, when you wake up and immediately start running around like a chicken with its head cut off, it can impact your productivity and focus for the rest of the day. When you’re constantly running and gunning, you don’t allow your brain to fully wake up and get into its groove. This can make it harder to concentrate on the tasks you need to get done and lead to mistakes that can be costly.
So, consider setting aside some extra time in the morning to ease into your routine. Maybe take a few moments to meditate or stretch, or simply enjoy a cup of coffee and some quiet time before jumping into your day. This will make a world of difference in how you feel and perform throughout the day.
2. Set the right priorities
In today’s fast-paced world, we are often bombarded with a never-ending list of tasks, both personal and professional, that demand our immediate attention. Without knowing how to prioritize, we run the risk of spending our time and energy on insignificant tasks, which can eventually lead to missing important deadlines and goals.
Moreover, proper prioritization helps us to stay focused on our long-term objectives, leading to better outcomes and higher productivity. It also reduces the stress and anxiety associated with the overwhelming workload and ensures that we have enough time for self-care and other essential activities that help us enjoy life and live it fully.

Explore the most popular technique for task prioritization here 👈
3. Stick to a schedule
Sticking to a schedule can make a huge positive difference in your life. Not only does it help you stay organized, but it also provides you with a sense of structure and control. When you have a schedule, you know exactly what you need to do and when you need to do it. This helps you to manage your time more efficiently and make sure that you don’t miss any important deadlines.
Need a simple way to schedule work or employees? Try out actiPLANS! This clever little tool has got it all:
- Create custom work types and activities to tailor your schedule to your specific needs and priorities.
- Schedule work on a visual timeline that not only makes it super easy to see what you need to do and when but also helps you to identify potential scheduling conflicts and overlaps.
- If you work in a team, you can assign work to specific employees, ensuring everyone knows exactly what they need to do and when. This helps to promote accountability and transparency within your team, making it easier to collaborate and communicate effectively.

Sign up for a free actiPLANS trial here 👈
4. Always plan in advance
Timely planning allows us to anticipate potential problems and obstacles that may occur along the way. By doing so, we are better equipped to handle anything that comes our way and can minimize the impact of any challenges that we might encounter.
Besides, planning in advance lets us allocate our resources more effectively. By knowing exactly what we need, when we need it, and how much of it we require, we can ensure that we are using our resources to the best effect.
Lastly, planning gives us a sense of direction and purpose. Without a clear plan, it can be easy to lose focus and wander aimlessly from one task to another. By having a well-defined plan in place, we can stay on track and make sure that each step we take is leading us closer to our ultimate goal.
Get a free project plan template here 👈
5. Estimate work accurately
Accurate estimates give a clear idea of how long each task will take and allow you to plan the entire project or work process accordingly. This means you can set realistic deadlines, allocate resources appropriately, and avoid overloading yourself or your team members with unrealistic expectations.
On the other hand, if you underestimate or overestimate tasks, you risk putting unnecessary pressure on yourself or end up wasting too much time and resources and potentially delaying the project. So, whether you’re working on your own or running a large-scale project, taking the time to estimate tasks accurately is well worth the effort.
Find out more about time estimation here 👈
6. Create a distraction-free work environment
With so many distractions around us, it can be tough to focus on the task at hand. But luckily, there are several things that you can do to create a peaceful work environment that will help you stay on track:
- Find a quiet place to work: This can be a spare room in your house, a local library, or even a quiet coffee shop. Make sure to choose a space that is free of noise or excess visual stimuli, and where you feel comfortable and focused.
- Keeping your work area tidy and organized: A cluttered workspace can be overwhelming, which can lead to decreased productivity.
- Eliminate any unnecessary distractions: This could mean turning off your phone, closing your email inbox, or blocking social media sites on your computer. The fewer distractions you have, the more productive you will be.
Find out how to create a productive home office here 👈
7. Master the art of delegation
Delegation involves assigning tasks to others on your team or hiring someone to handle certain responsibilities. By shifting some of your work to others, you’re able to free up more of your own time to concentrate on tasks that require your unique skills and expertise.
But delegation isn’t just about giving busy work to someone else. In fact, it’s an excellent way to develop the skills and knowledge of those on your team, which can help bolster their own careers while creating a more talented and well-rounded staff. Additionally, by handing off duties to others who may be better suited to complete them, you’re able to achieve a better quality of work.
8. Align your lifestyle with your goals
Having a healthy lifestyle is an essential factor when it comes to improving time management. Not only does it increase your productivity, but it also ensures that you have enough energy and motivation to carry out your daily tasks:
- When you exercise, your body produces endorphins, which are natural mood boosters that can help you feel more awake and alert. This increased focus and energy will help you get through your tasks quickly and efficiently, leaving you with more time to tackle other challenges.
- By eating a nutritious diet full of fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein, you can avoid energy slumps and keep your mind sharp all day long.
- When you are well-rested, you have more energy, focus, and motivation to tackle your daily tasks. However, if you are sleep-deprived, you may experience delays in completing projects, difficulty concentrating, and decreased productivity.
Explore other habits of productive people here 👈
9. Have high-quality “me” time
When you’re constantly on the go and always working, your brain can become worn out. We all need downtime to recharge, whether that means taking a nap, practicing mindfulness, going for a walk, or reading a book. When you give yourself permission to relax and enjoy something you love, you’ll come back to your work feeling refreshed and ready to tackle whatever tasks come your way.
In addition to boosting your mental well-being, carving out “me” time can also help with time management by giving you a chance to reflect on your priorities. When you’re in the thick of things, it can be hard to see the forest for the trees. By taking a step back and considering what really matters to you, you may find that you’ve been spending time on tasks that aren’t actually contributing to your overall goals. This insight can help you re-prioritize your to-do list and use your time more effectively.
10. Take advantage of technology
There are countless productivity tools out there that can help us work smarter, not harder. For example, there are:
- Time tracking apps that help us understand where our time is going, so we can identify areas where we’re wasting time and make adjustments.
- Project management tools that help us stay organized and on track with our tasks and deadlines.
- Automation tools that help us save time by taking care of repetitive tasks.
actiTIME combines the strengths of all these three types of tools in a single platform, helping you be more efficient, productive, and ultimately, get more done in less time.
Time tracking is one of the key actiTIME features. It lets you easily track your time either manually or automatically, on the web or on your mobile device. This means you can always stay on top of your work hours, even if you’re working remotely or on the go.

actiTIME helps you organize your work and monitor project progress. With its easy-to-use project management features, you can create tasks, assign them to employees, set deadlines and priorities – all in one place. This makes it easy to stay on top of what needs to be done and to prioritize your time effectively.

actiTIME also automates repetitive tasks, including PTO accrual, client billing, cost tracking, reporting, and more. By taking care of these mundane tasks for you, actiTIME frees up more time for you to focus on the work that really matters. Plus, with its powerful reporting capabilities, you can analyze your productivity in depth and drive improvement.

User-friendly, versatile, and packed with useful features, actiTIME is an excellent solution for anyone looking to improve time management. Feel free to give it a try – you won’t be disappointed!
Helpful Time Management Resources
At actiTIME, we’ve been writing about time management for more than a decade. To help you advance your productivity, below, we list our best content for you to learn from:
- Find and eliminate unproductive habits: 20 Most Common Time Management Problems & Solutions
- Conquer time management with these skills that few can boast: Master These 3 Skills to Improve Time Management
- Boost you work productivity and career: 32 Effective Ways to Increase Productivity at Work (+ Tools)
- Pick the right time management software: 20 Stellar Time Management Tools: Which One Is Right for You?
- Take our fun Time Management Quiz
And, most importantly, start your productivity journey with time tracking software like actiTIME. It offers everything you need to use your time wisely: organize timesheets to your liking, set up productivity and cost parameters or create your own, set up data widgets, and review your performance at a glance. Give it a try – start with a free 30-day trial (no credit card required) and continue with a free plan anytime.