Free Communication Plan Templates to Get Your Words Out Fast

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November 2023
Free Communication Plan Templates to Get Your Words Out Fast

You know how important proper communication is for any organization – whether it’s a team of 5 or 50 – but sometimes drafting such plans can seem daunting without the right resources.

Fortunately, we’ve made a couple of free communication plan templates to help you speed up the planning process and complete it without a hitch.

In this post, we provide some handy tips for using those templates in the best way possible and explain why having a strong overall communication plan is essential for business success.

Stay tuned!

Simple Communication Plan Template

A project communication plan is a written document that outlines how communication will flow throughout a project. This includes who will be responsible for communicating what information, how often, and through what channels.

Using this simple template by actiTIME, you will easily lay out all your major project communication goals and requirements in a clear and concise way, making it easy for everyone to understand what’s expected of them and follow through.

The template includes the following sections:

  • Stakeholders (i.e., the people responsible for delivering messages around the project): This might include project managers, designers, engineers, marketing folks, and more. The key is to make sure that everyone knows who’s responsible for keeping everyone up-to-date.
  • Topics of the meetings / deliverables: It’s important to be specific here so that everyone knows what needs to be achieved and can work towards those goals.
  • Target audience: This could be everyone involved in the project or just a specific team or individual.
  • Communication methods and tools: This could be anything from email to video conferencing to project management software. The key is to choose something that works for everyone and that everyone knows how to use.
  • Communication frequency: This could be daily, weekly, bi-weekly – whatever works for your project. The important thing is to make sure that everyone knows when and how they’ll receive updates.

Customizing this project communication plan template is easy and straightforward, with clear sections for you to fill in with your project-specific information. Once you’ve made all the necessary changes, you can share the plan with your team via email or any other preferred communication tool.

Click here to download 👈

Strategic Communication Plan Template

A strategic communication plan is basically a roadmap that organizations use to guide their messaging and outreach efforts. It lets you identify your communication goals, target audience, key messaging, and the most effective channels to reach those audiences.

One of the key benefits of a thought-through strategic communication plan is that it can help you ensure your messaging is consistent across all channels and touchpoints. It also helps to stay ahead of potential messaging pitfalls, such as miscommunication or misrepresentation of key facts or positions.

So, use this template by actiTIME to save time when thinking your strategic communication plan through. The template includes the following sections:

  • Executive summary: This is where you give a brief overview of the plan as a whole, including the main goals and objectives you’re aiming for. It’s kind of like a TL;DR (too long; didn’t read) version for anyone who doesn’t have time or energy to read through the whole document.
  • Objectives: Here’s where you really dive into what you want to achieve with your messaging and outreach. Are you trying to build brand awareness? Generate leads? Engage with your customers in a specific way? Whatever it is, spell it out clearly in this section.
  • Channels: This is where you outline the different ways you plan to get your message out there. Social media, email marketing, in-person events, advertising… whatever tactics you’re using to reach your audience, you need to list them here.
  • Timeline: This is where you put all those channels into a specific order and timeframe. When will you be sending out emails? When will you be posting on social media? When do you need to have our advertising campaign ready to go? By breaking it all down into bite-sized chunks, you can make sure you’re staying on track and moving towards your objectives.
  • Key messages: This is where you lay out the specific points you want to get across to your audience. What are the most important things you want people to know about you or your product? What messaging will resonate with them most? By pinpointing these key messages, you can ensure you’re consistent and effective in your communication.

Click here to download 👈

How to Create a Perfect Communication Plan

  • Know your audience: This is the first and most important step to creating a successful communication plan. You must know who your audience is – their background, needs, interests, and preferences, so that your tailored message strikes them in the right spot.
  • Choose channels smartly: There are so many communication channels available today – email, social media, messaging apps, and more. Choose the right channels that your audience prefers and is most likely to engage with.
  • Be clear and concise: Keep your message clear, simple, and to the point. Be concise and avoid using technical jargon or too many acronyms. Your audience should be able to understand your message easily.
  • Set realistic goals: It’s important to have clear and measurable goals for your communication plan. Make sure they are realistic and achievable within the given time frame.
  • Review and revise: Regularly evaluate the effectiveness of your communication plan and adjust it as needed. Use such metrics as engagement rates, response rates, and feedback to measure your success and make adjustments accordingly.

Problems You Can Solve with a Strong Communication Plan

  • Misunderstandings: When team members aren’t on the same page, it can lead to delays, mistakes, and frustration. However, having a well-defined communication plan in place allows everyone to understand their roles and responsibilities, as well as the overall goals and objectives of the project. This can go a long way towards preventing costly mistakes and attaining desired project outcomes.
  • Managing emergencies: Emergencies can arise at any time, and rapid communication is needed to respond to them effectively. A well-thought-out communication plan assists in managing unexpected issues, communicating urgent information rapidly, and minimizing damage to your organization. Having a plan that identifies the appropriate communication channels, key stakeholders, and protocols can ensure that everyone is prepared for any potential emergency before it happens.
  • Poor team collaboration: With remote work becoming more prevalent, maintaining effective team collaboration and keeping everyone updated with important information is crucial. A strong communication plan contributes to helping everyone on your team work seamlessly in sync, whether they are in the same office or working It creates a collaborative culture with higher employee productivity and efficiency.

The #1 Solution to Take Your Team Collaboration to Another Level

From remote work to cross-functional team projects, actiTIME enables seamless communication, task management, and data sharing.

Here are just a few ways it allows you to take team collaboration to another level:

First off, you can allocate work to your employees with ease. actiTIME lets you create tasks and assign them to specific team members. You can even set deadlines and priorities to ensure that everyone knows what needs to be done, and when.

Priority - Tasks

Once the work is underway, you can track progress easily. actiTIME’s timesheet feature lets your team members log their hours and keep track of their progress against tasks and project milestones. You can even set up reminders to make sure everyone stays on schedule.

Timesheet / Calendar View, actiTIME

Need to share important work information? No problem.

actiTIME lets you add comments to specific time entries and tasks, or to the project as a whole. This makes it easy to communicate with your team and keep everyone on the same page.

Tasks tab

And managing employee leave? actiTIME has you covered there too. With its automated leave management feature and actiPLANS integration, you can easily manage employee vacation time, sick time, and other leave types.

Leave request management, actiPLANS

Finally, actiTIME offers detailed performance reports that show how your team is doing and where you might need to make adjustments. These reports help you identify potential issues before they become real problems, and make sure everyone stays productive and engaged.

actiTIME chart

In short, actiTIME is a powerful tool for team collaboration that empowers you to get more done in less time. So why not give it a try and see how it elevates your team?

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