10 Must-Have Habit Trackers to Achieve Every Goal

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July 2024
10 Must-Have Habit Trackers to Achieve Every Goal

Do you feel like you’re constantly spinning your wheels but getting nowhere? Maybe it’s time to look at your habits.

Whether it’s crushing your professional goals, keeping your finances in check, or getting your social life on the right track, the secret to success often boils down to the little things we do every day.

That’s why we made this round-up of the top 10 habit trackers that will help you stay on target and level up your life. These tools are here to turn your good intentions into daily victories. So, stay tuned and get ready to turn those aspirations into real achievements.

10 Best Habit Tracker Apps You Need to Try

1.    actiTIME

Key features:

  • Time tracking
  • Online activity tracking
  • Task priorities
  • Deadlines
  • Kanban board
  • Mobile app
  • Productivity reports

Need to keep tabs on your work projects, stick to that new workout routine, or finally finish reading that book collecting dust on your shelf? Whether you’re tracking your personal milestones or managing daily chores, actiTIME has plenty of powerful features to make your to-do list less overwhelming and more engaging.

Timesheet / Calendar View, actiTIME

Here’s how actiTIME does the trick:

  • Time tracking. Effortlessly keep an eye on how you spend your time. Whether you’re staying on top of daily habits or tackling extensive projects, actiTIME helps you break down your day by tasks and even record the exact time you started and finished working on them.
  • Online activity tracking. Say goodbye to manual data recording with actiTIME’s browser extension. This handy tool automatically tracks your online activities, so you can see exactly where your minutes go as you’re browsing the web, analyze your productivity, and get the data you need to conquer those bad digital habits.
  • Task deadlines and priorities. This feature helps to keep your tasks in check and make sure you’re always on top of your to-do list. No more missed deadlines or last-minute scrambles! Manage your time and energy efficiently.
  • Kanban board. Visualize your tasks and workflow to always see the big picture while managing the small details. Move tasks through your customized workflow stages and easily track your progress to maintain momentum and motivation.
  • Productivity reports. Stay informed with insightful productivity reports that highlight your performance trends. This data-driven approach allows you to analyze your work habits and identify areas for improvement. It’s all about working smarter, not harder, and these reports are here to guide you on that journey.
actiTIME Time-Track report


Windows, Linux, iOS, Android, Web.

Capterra rating: 4.6 (91 reviews)


  • Free 30-day trial.
  • Free version for 1-3 users.
  • Paid plans start at $5 per user/month.

2.    (Not Boring) Habits

Key features:

  • Gamification
  • Goal-setting
  • Widgets and reminders
  • Multiple interface skins

(Not Boring) Habits will help you supercharge your routines and finally stick to those elusive good habits. With its sleek design, engaging animations, and the right touch of gamification, this app makes habit tracking captivating and, dare we say, fun!

(Not Boring) Habits

Here’s what makes it one of the best habit tracking apps:

  • Vibrant visuals. (Not Boring) Habits comes to life with engaging, eye-catching graphics – it’s almost like an art gallery for your goals. The user interface is designed to delight and turn the mundane act of tracking into an aesthetically pleasing experience.
  • Game-like interactions. The app incorporates game mechanics to keep you hooked. You’ll earn points, achieve milestones, and unlock rewards as you stick to your habits.
  • Customizable goals. (Not Boring) Habits allows you to tailor your habits to fit your lifestyle. Set your own parameters, whether it’s daily, weekly, or monthly, and adjust them as needed. This isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution – it’s your personal habit tracker, your way.
  • Detailed analytics. Get detailed graphs and statistics that show your progress over time. It’s not just about checking boxes – it’s about understanding your habits and fine-tuning them for optimal growth.
  • Inspirational reminders. We all need a nudge now and then, and Not Boring Habits does this brilliantly. The app sends personalized, motivational messages to keep you on track.


iOS, iPadOS, visionOS.

App Store rating: 4.8 (2.7K reviews)


  • Free version
  • In-app purchases start at $4.99

3.    Atoms

Key features:

  • Atomic habits framework
  • Personal goals
  • Daily progress tracking
  • Reminders

Atoms uses the principles laid out in James Clear’s best-selling book “Atomic Habits” – it helps you clearly define your goals, makes it fun to achieve them, and encourages you to get ahead through small consistent steps.

Atoms, best habot trackers

Image source

Let’s break down how this habit tracking app works:

  • Set a personal goal. In Atoms, you can easily establish what you want to achieve, whether it’s drinking more water, reading daily, or learning a new language. The habit tracker helps you define clear, actionable goals to keep you motivated.
  • Take small steps daily. Achieving your goals is all about consistency, and Atoms is designed to support you every step of the way. By breaking down your goals into manageable daily tasks, the app keeps you from feeling overwhelmed. Plus, Atoms will send you reminders to ensure you stay on track, giving you that gentle nudge just when you need it.
  • Track daily progress. You get to see your development over time, which is super encouraging. It provides visual summaries of how far you’ve come and helps identify patterns in your behavior. Seeing those daily checkmarks add up feels incredibly rewarding and pushes you to keep going.


Android, iOS, watchOS.

Apple Store rating: 4.8 (4.8K ratings)


  • Free version
  • Paid plans start at $9.99 a month

4.    Avocation

Key features:

  • Science-backed tips
  • Gamification
  • Engaging design
  • Progress charts

Avocation is your personal guide to building better habits and staying on track with your commitments. It’s a holistic tool designed to help you understand and improve your productivity.


This beautiful habit tracker has some killer features:

  • Daily checklist. A simple yet powerful tool. Each day, you get a fresh list of tasks that you need to check off. It’s incredibly satisfying to see those checkmarks accumulate as it gives you a tangible sense of accomplishment.
  • Habit streaks. This feature is all about building momentum. Each time you complete a habit for consecutive days, you start a streak. It’s addictive in the best way possible because who doesn’t want to keep a good streak going?
  • Reminders and notifications. Life can get busy, and it’s easy to forget even the most important tasks. Avocation sends you gentle nudges through reminders and notifications so you never miss a beat.
  • Insightful statistics. Ever wondered about your progress over time? This habit tracking app offers detailed statistics that show your completion rates, helping you understand where you excel and where you might need a bit more focus.
  • Customizable habits. Flexibility is key. You can tailor each habit to your needs by setting specific goals or frequency and even assigning different icons and colors to make everything visually appealing and uniquely yours.
  • Motivational quotes and rewards. Sometimes, we all need a little extra push. Avocation offers motivational quotes and even rewards for hitting certain milestones, keeping you inspired and incentivized to keep going.


macOS, iOS, visionOS, Android.

Apple Store rating: 4.6 (868 reviews)


  • Free version
  • Lifetime membership costs $17.99

5.    Habit Tracker (aka Done)

Key features:

  • Color-coded goals
  • Progress streaks
  • Trends and stats

Done is an incredibly intuitive habit tracker designed to help you build and maintain good habits while ditching the not-so-great ones. Its beauty lies in its simplicity – you set your goals, and the app helps you keep a tally thanks to the colorful interface and visual progress charts.

Done, Habit tracker apps

Here’s what makes Done an excellent habit tracker:

  • Color-coded goals. Everything’s better with a splash of color, right? With Done, you can assign different colors to your goals, making it super easy to glance at your progress and immediately know what’s what. It adds a fun and organized vibe to your daily routine.
  • Progress streaks. This feature makes it easy to celebrate your consistency. Every day you stick to your habit, you build up a streak that makes you feel unstoppable. Breaking a long streak feels like a challenge you just won’t let happen!
  • Visual charts. Done displays your hard work in sleek graphs that show you exactly how far you’ve come. These charts give you a clear visual representation of your progress, helping you stay motivated and focused.


iOS, watchOS.

Apple Store rating: 4 (16K reviews)


  • Free version
  • Paid plans start at $4.99 per month

6.    Habitica

Key features:

  • Gamification
  • Community support
  • Daily goals
  • To-do lists

Habitica turns your life into a game! However, unlike any other online source of pastime, it lets you level up not just in a virtual world, but in your real life by completing everyday tasks and goals.

Habitica app

Here’s what makes Habitica a go-to habit tracking app for millions of users:

  • The app blends productivity with fun by using role-playing game elements. You create an avatar, set your personal tasks, and as you tick them off, you earn rewards like gold coins or cute pet dragons. Slack off, though, and your health points might take a hit! Whether you’re aiming to slay your to-do list or form better habits, Habitica gives you that extra bit of motivation by making mundane tasks a little more magical.
  • Habit list. This is where you can jot down your habits, both good and bad. Want to drink more water? Add it as a habit! Trying to quit smoking? Yep, pop it here too. What makes this feature neat is that it gives you a visual of how consistently you’re hitting your goals or breaking those pesky habits.
  • Daily tasks. Think of this as your morning briefing. Every day, you’ll see a list of tasks you set for yourself. These could be non-negotiables like “Go for a run” or “Finish reading a chapter.” The idea is to check them off by the end of the day, and yep, there’s something satisfying about ticking those boxes.
  • Guilds and challenges. Feel like sharing your journey? Join a guild or participate in challenges. Guilds are communities centered around common interests or goals, and challenges let you compete or collaborate with others. There’s something motivating about knowing you’re not alone in this.


Android, iOS, iPadOS, visionOS.

Apple Store rating: 4 (1.9K reviews)


  • Free version
  • Monthly subscriptions start at $4.99

7.    Habitify

Key features:

  • To-do lists
  • Progress streaks
  • Notes
  • Built-in timer

If you want to juggle all your tasks and aspirations without dropping the ball – Habitify is the habit tracking app that makes sure you keep everything in the air with ease. It offers a slick, intuitive way to track your habits, no matter how big or small, and turns your chaotic schedule into a well-organized masterpiece.


Here are the main highlights:

  • Habit streaks. Habitify lets you set up streaks so you can visualize how consistent you have been. There’s nothing more motivating than seeing a long, unbroken streak of your habits!
  • Detailed statistics. You get all the data you need, from completion rates to long-term trend analysis. It’s bound to help you understand your habits better.
  • Customizable reminders. This habit tracker offers custom reminders tailored to when you’re most likely to act. Whether it’s morning yoga or an evening read, you’ll get nudges at just the right times.
  • Focus time. The app’s built-in timer lets you break down your tasks into focused intervals, which is perfect for those who love the Pomodoro technique.
  • Community challenges. If you thrive on social motivation, join community challenges to share your journey and cheer each other on. It’s like having a virtual accountability group.


Android, iOS, iPadOS, visionOS, macOS, watchOS.

Apple Store rating: 4.5 (623 reviews)


  • Free version
  • Paid plans start at $6.49 per month

8.    Momentum

Key features:

  • Weekly targets
  • Notes
  • Reminders
  • Data export

Imagine starting each day with a new inspirational quote, a clean slate, and a focused direction – that’s Momentum for you. It’s designed to help you set and achieve daily goals, and its minimalistic, elegant interface means you won’t get distracted by clutter.

Momentum, habit trackers

Here’s a rundown of what you can expect:

  • Reminders and notifications. Set up notifications to nudge you at the right time and rest assured that you never forget to complete your tasks or habits.
  • Streaks and statistics. Momentum makes it easy to monitor your progress with visual streaks – seeing them grow longer and longer will encourage you to persist. Plus, detailed statistics will help you understand your patterns and make better decisions.
  • Customizable design. You can match Momentum interfaces with your aesthetic – tweak colors and layouts to make your habit tracker truly yours and add a personal touch to your productivity journey.
  • Notes and journals. Jot down thoughts, reflections, or any obstacles you encountered to create a richer context for your habit-building process.


iOS, macOS, watchOS.

Apple Store rating: 4.2


  • Free version
  • Paid plans start at $1.99

9.    Strides

Key features:

  • Daily targets
  • Reports
  • Success rate

Strides is more than just a habit tracker – it’s a life optimizer. The app allows you to break down big goals into manageable steps, which creates a real sense of accomplishment as you tick off each milestone and monitor your progress via visually appealing charts.

Strides, habit tracker apps
  • Goal setting. Set your big goals, break them down into smaller actionable steps, and let Strides keep you motivated with progress updates. It’s perfect for those long-term ambitions like writing a book or mastering a new skill.
  • Daily log. This nifty feature helps you keep track of your day-to-day accomplishments. Record what you did, how you felt, and any obstacles you encountered. It’s like a mini journal that keeps you aligned with your goals.
  • Progress reports. Visuals are powerful, and Strides delivers charts and graphs that show your progress over time. It’s incredibly satisfying to see those bars and lines go up as you work towards your goals.


iOS, macOS, watchOS, iPadOS.

Apple Store rating: 4.8 (412 reviews)


  • Free version
  • Paid plans start at $4.99

10.    Way of Life

Key features:

  • Color codes
  • Reminders
  • Notes
  • Visual progress tracking

Way of Life offers super straightforward charts and reminders, which means you’re not just logging habits – you’re actually visualizing progress. And who doesn’t love seeing those little green bars climb higher? It’s like a game, but the reward is a better you.

Way of Life

Image source

Here’s a brief rundown of this habit tracker’s most helpful features:

  • Customizable habit lists. You can set goals, and add and label habits to fit your needs perfectly. The flexibility here is key – it’s your list, so make it count!
  • Daily reminders. Habit tracking isn’t much use if you forget to do the habit! Way of Life offers daily reminders that keep you on track.
  • Simple progress charts. Visual feedback is incredibly motivating, and Way of Life excels here. Its progress charts are easy to read and give a clear depiction of your success in habit building, as well as areas that need improvement.
  • Journal entries. Ever wondered why you didn’t stick with a habit on a particular day? The journal feature lets you jot down notes for each habit entry, helping you spot patterns and reflect on obstacles in greater depth.
  • Trend analysis. Way of Life doesn’t just show you a snapshot of your productivity stats – it tracks your habits over time, analyzing trends and displaying them in intuitive graphs. Seeing long-term progress can be deeply motivating and eye-opening.


iOS, macOS, visionOS, Android.

Apple Store rating: 4.8 (4.4K reviews)


  • Free version
  • Premium plans start at $4.99


The right habit tracker can largely simplify your quest for positive changes in life.

From simple apps to detailed planners, there’s something out there for everyone. However, if you really want to streamline both your personal goals and work-related projects, actiTIME might just be the tool you need.

It’s designed to help you keep track of your progress efficiently and effectively. So why not give it a shot?

Sign up for a free actiTIME trial to take the first step towards a more organized and productive life.

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