The Time-Track report lets you group, visualize, and analyze the data on how your team members allocate their time between various projects and tasks within the specified period.
Data available in the report depends on user permissions and assigned scope. Managers can run this report on their assigned team, while regular users see their own hours. For more details, please see Permissions Required to Run a Report.
The Time-Track Report allows you to select the period to display the data from the menu in the upper-left corner of the screen.
You can also sort the data by tasks, projects, customers, date, etc., and filter it by users, customers, projects, and priority by selecting accordingly.
For a more straightforward analysis, you may group data in different rows and columns as needed.
The report also allows you to generate charts with the selected datasets for higher-level visualization and reporting. To create a chart, select the period and the data to be displayed and click on the Chart icon at the top-right corner of the screen.
Thus, you can prepare perfect reports for your seniors and customers. To export the report in CSV, XLS, or PDF format, click on the Export icon at the top-right corner of the screen.