What’s new in actiTIME
Product updates and major new features
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May 2019

Updated Corporate Schedule Menu

Our Corporate Schedule interface has been long overdue for a redesign, and in this update we were finally able to give it a refresh.

Featuring a more convenient and intuitive layout, it now allows you to view your corporate calendar for the entire year. You can also add and rename custom holidays and non-working days, and import public holidays simply by selecting your country from a list or by uploading an iCal file.

Corporate Schedule Menu

Besides, we’ve given access to Corporate Work Schedule for managers and regular users alike and made it possible to distinguish corporate holidays from other types of nonworking days across different product interfaces.

Now you can:

  • Review the status of each day in the View Time-Track interface,
  • And hover over a date on the Enter Time-Track calendar to see if it’s a regular (non)working day or a holiday.


It’s been by far the most popular feature request we received from our users, and we are excited to deliver it today! Meet the actiTIME API that was built to make working with data a lot easier.

Our read/write API allows you to incorporate your actiTIME data into other applications and simplify the data flow to and from actiTIME.

Here are some examples of what you can do via the actiTIME API:

  • Extract any timesheet and project data for creating custom reports
  • Export lists of users with their permissions and other properties
  • Sync data between actiTIME and third-party applications
  • Create or update customers, projects and tasks in actiTIME
  • Export historical time entries for your needs

For more information on the actiTIME API, be sure to check out our API documentation.

Configurable Password Policy

Add an extra layer of protection to actiTIME by configuring an advanced password policy for all system users. Admins can enable new rules in the General Settings, specifying the minimum password length and complexity requirements, as well as reset passwords system-wide.

Configurable Password Policy

Direct Links to Customers, Projects and Tasks

New option available in actiTIME helps you collaborate without hassle. Copy direct links to any customer, project and task in the system and share them with your coworkers.

Direct Links to Customers, Projects and Tasks

Over the past few months, we’ve been working on a number of exciting changes and are now proud to finally share them with you. With this update actiTIME is no longer just a time-tracker, but a system with extensive scope management functionality.

New features in actiTIME are meant to make it easier for you to manage projects, users, and workflows. Let’s take a look at the latest changes.

Work Assignments

  • New Tab. The new Work Assignments tab is where managers can view and edit work assignments for their team. It can be accessed from the Users interface.
  • Assign at Any Level. Managers can now assign individual tasks to users in addition to project and customer assignments.
  • Copy with Ease. Now you can copy work assignments from one user to another. This makes it much faster to set up a new employee.

Management Permissions

  • New Permission. Two earlier permissions — “Manage Customers & Projects” and “Manage Tasks” — are joined into one permission called “Manage Scope of Work”.
  • Applying Permissions to Work Scope. New “Manage Scope of Work” permission as well as “Modify & Approve Users Time-Track” and “Manage Cost & Billing Data” can be applied to a particular set of customers, projects, and tasks. Check out our documentation for more details.
  • applying permissions to work scope
  • Applying Permissions to Users and Teams. The three management permissions (“Manage Scope of Work”, “Modify & Approve Users Time-Track” and “Manage Cost & Billing Data”) can be applied to particular users or departments supervised by a manager. Now you can easily control who gets access to which department and related data.
  • access to time reports
  • Access to Time Reports. We have removed the “Generate Time Reports” permission altogether. Now anyone who tracks time can run personal reports with information on their own work and leave time. Managers have a broader view that includes their teams’ timesheet data and delegated Customers/Projects/Tasks. Find out more in our user guide.
  • Extra Access Option. Some users need to see the big picture beyond their own teams. To allow them to view everyone’s data on Time Reports or Cost & Billing Reports, use a special setting available in the General Settings interface.
  • Wider Privileges. To reflect the latest changes, the old “Generate Cost & Billing Reports” permission has been renamed to “Manage Cost & Billing Data”. Now it also allows managers to edit users’ cost of work rates and edit types of work for tasks from their scope.

Tasks and Work Scope Management

  • Comments. In the new version, users can leave comments on assigned customers, projects or tasks.
  • comments
  • Workflow Status. All tasks have received a new attribute called “Workflow Status”. Create and customize statuses as you need to reflect your own work process.
  • Redesign. The Tasks Interface has been redesigned to offer more information. Now you can
    • Configure the set of columns displayed in the task list.
    • Switch to a Kanban-style view where tasks are organized in columns by their workflow status.
  • Bulk Actions. In the Tasks tab, you can select a group of tasks and perform all the actions in bulk — assign tasks to users, move them to a different project, or change their statuses in one click.
  • Change Log. Now you can see the history of changes right in the Details tab of each customer, project, or task.